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Thursday, December 15, 2005

New toy for Mike

Mike and I went to get him hooked up with a Blackberry last Thursday. I have one right now for the company that I'm contracted with and I've had one in the past. Blackberry has really come a long way, especially if you are using the enterprise version of it (which we're not with Rock Spring).

This does several things for Mike.
1. He can stay in touch with the rest of the team (via e-mail AND cell) when he's working 16 hours on the building.
2. We got the Bluetooth device so he can be on the phone with someone and be hands free and cord free. (This was because it scared me to death when he told me that he was on the phone with someone for 2 hours while hanging drywall on the ladder perched in the bucket of backhoe!!!)
3. All PDA functions...

The only thing that would make this thing better for him is if it had voice recgonition so that he could dictate his e-mail into it, since he doesn't type that well.


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